McFarlane Toys McFarlane Toys Warhammer 40,000 Astra Militarum Kasrkin Amongst the storied regiments of Cadia, the Kasrkin are lauded as the elite of the elite. These special operatives are trusted with more potent weaponry, such as high-powered hot-shot lasguns, and equipped with thicker carapace armour than their peers... Price: £38.95 Quick view Out of stock
McFarlane Toys McFarlane Toys Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Eliminator Artist Proof Dedicated marksmen, Eliminators haunt the shadows of the battlefield, seeking out targets of opportunity and bringing them down with pinpoint volleys of fire. Then, these silent assassins slip away looking for their next prey.Product Features: Figure is... Price: £38.95 Quick view Out of stock
McFarlane Toys McFarlane Toys Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Eliminator Dedicated marksmen, Eliminators haunt the shadows of the battlefield, seeking out targets of opportunity and bringing them down with pinpoint volleys of fire. Then, these silent assassins slip away looking for their next prey.Product... Price: £38.95 Quick view Out of stock
McFarlane Toys McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Red Hood Detective Comics The Joker’s past remains a mystery, but Batman believes his nemesis was once the brilliant leader of the Red Hood Gang — a criminal outfit that plagued Gotham City early during Batman’s career. After a fall into a vat of chemicals... Price: £38.95 Quick view Add to Cart
McFarlane Toys McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Clock King Collector Edition The Clock King was considered to be a third-tier villain by the authorities, thanks to his lack of superpowers and his weird fixation with clocks. Born the aptly-named William Tockman, the Clock King commenced his criminal career after doctors... Price: £38.95 Quick view Add to Cart
McFarlane Toys McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Reverse Flash Injustice 2 Obsessed with uncovering the secret of super-speed, a scientist from the 25th century named Professor Eobard Thawne traveled back in time to meet his idol, The Flash. However, when he learned the he was destined to become a villain and die at the hands... Price: £19.95 Quick view Add to Cart
McFarlane Toys McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Solar Superman Superman: Lois And Clark Sent to Earth from the dying planet of Krypton as a baby, Kal-El was found by farmers Martha and Jonathan Kent and raised as their son, Clark. As Clark grew up, the radiation rom Earth’s yellow sun gave him extraordinary powers, which he kept... Price: £19.95 Quick view Out of stock
McFarlane Toys McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Martian Manhunter DC Rebirth J’onn J’onzz, the mysterious Martian Manhunter, is one of the last survivors of the planet Mars, and was accidentally transported to Earth not long after the majority of his people were wiped out. Martian Manhunter is thought to be as strong... Price: £19.95 Quick view Add to Cart
McFarlane Toys Mcfarlane Toys DC Multiverse Sergeant Rock DC Classics Collector's Edition *** DELAYED WAITING ON UPDATE FROM SUPPLIER *** *** DEALYED WAITING ON UPDATE FROM SUPPLIER *** Always at the vanguard of WWII’s bloodiest battles, SERGEANT ROCK shepherded EASY COMPANY from the beaches of NORMANDY into the heartland of GERMANY. The quintessential soldier, FRANK followed orders... Price: £38.95 Quick view Out of stock
McFarlane Toys McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman Bat-Manga Collector's Edition #16 At the height the 1960’s Batman television shows popularity, a shonen manga magazine in Japan serialized fifty-three chapters, starring The Dark Knight, which were all written by Jiro Kuwata. These rare Batman tales were known by relatively few... Price: £38.95 Quick view Out of stock
McFarlane Toys McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Metallo Metallo™ is made up of two vital components—advanced technology and the depraved human mind of John Corben™. With these linked together by a cybernetic interface and powered by Kryptonite™, Metallo has become a living weapon, who... Price: £29.95 Quick view Add to Cart
McFarlane Toys Mcfarlane Toys DC Multiverse Fire Originally a spy for the Brazilian Secret Service, Bea was on a mission when she came into contact with a strange chemical mix called pyroplasm. Her exposure to the substance gave her the metahuman ability to control a green flame that could cover her... Price: £24.95 Quick view Out of stock