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War Games

Miniature War Games (eg. Fallout Wasteland Warfare, Alien, D'N'D)

  • Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Skeleton Horde


    Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Skeleton Horde

    The creaking bones of the unquiet dead herald the approach of the Skeleton Horde. Necromancers animate the remains of those long dead, and ancient oaths keep fallen warriors from their final slumber. Three SKELETON WARRIORS with sword and shield...
    Price: £38.95
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  • Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Frostbite Spiders


    Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Frostbite Spiders

    Found throughout Skyrim, the FROSTBITE SPIDER is an ever present threat, from the snowy tundra to the deep forest, from caves to dungeons and all lands between, Frostbite spiders spin their webs anywhere they can find prey for their poisoned fangs. This...
    Price: £25.95
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  • Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Dwemer Centurion And Ballista


    Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Dwemer Centurion And Ballista

    Only the strongest foes can stand against the blistering steam and crushing maul of the DWEMER CENTURION, and supporting the Centurion are two of the cunningly crafted DWEMER BALLISTAS, mobile artillery pieces whose deadly bolts pose a terrible threat to...
    Price: £38.95
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  • Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Dark Brotherhood Aspirants


    Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Dark Brotherhood Aspirants

    Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear. The Dark Brotherhood are an ancient order of assassins that were hunted almost to extinction in Skyrim. Now, you enact the Night Mothers...
    Price: £38.95
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  • The Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Imperial Officers


    The Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Imperial Officers

    Long live the Empire! GENERAL TULLIUS is a central lynchpin and rallying point for the legion, whist LEGATE RIKKE brings her tactical expertise to the battlefield, making Imperial troops ready for anything. Imperial troops are further bolstered by the...
    Price: £29.95
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  • The Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Draugr Ancients


    The Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Draugr Ancients

    The deepest chambers of the Ancient Nord Barrows and Tombs are home to the most dangerous of all the undying. The deathless Draugr forces are expanded with three savage HULKING DRAUGR with axes. The RESTLESS DRAUGR FROSTBLADE attacks with sword and...
    Price: £33.95
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  • The Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Adventurer Followers


    The Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Adventurer Followers

    A strong right arm is needed to forge a path to fame and glory. JENASSA is the perfect blade for hire and VORSTAG swings his axe for coin, while MJOLL THE LIONESS strides into battle for a worthy cause. Sparks fly and enemies die whenever MARCURIO enters...
    Price: £29.95
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  • The Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Bandit Pillagers


    The Elder Scrolls Call To Arms Bandit Pillagers

    Skyrim’s most wanted. EISA BLACKTHORN seeks revenge for her betrayal. RHORLAK knows more than he lets on whilst, in the caves below, RIGEL STRONG-ARM stalks intruders into her schemes accompanied by her three BANDIT PLUNDERERS. For use with The...
    Price: £32.95
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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Railroad Operatives


    Fallout Wasteland Warfare Railroad Operatives

    The new Commonwealth wave of miniatures and rules expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare has arrived! Glory is one of the most advanced synths, having joined the Railroad to free her people. Deacon, on the other hand, is a mystery, even to those he...
    Price: £29.95
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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Railroad Core Box


    Fallout Wasteland Warfare Railroad Core Box

    The Railroad are the most secretive group active in the Commonwealth. They protect synths and attempt to spirit them away from the Institute, who the Railroad view as nothing more than slavers. Synths, to the Railroad, are the equal of humans and deserve...
    Price: £29.95
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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Gunners Conquerors Of Quincy


    Fallout Wasteland Warfare Gunners Conquerors Of Quincy

    The new Commonwealth wave of miniatures and rules expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare has arrived! The town of Quincy was brutally destroyed in an attack orchestrated by former Minuteman Clint and his Gunner henchmen Baker and Tessa. The Quincy...
    Price: £19.95
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