Peanuts Gang Halloween Figurine By Jim Shore 6013037 Charlie Brown, Lucy, and Snoopy gather around their light up pumpkins to celebrate Halloween together. This figurine is made from cast stone and...
"A Playful Parade" Forming an ensemble of cartoon chorus, Charlie Brown, Sally, Snoopy and Woodstocks form a marching band of music and merriment. Charlie plays the sax while the Snoopy and...
"A Grand Celebration" The Peanuts gang is all together in this whimsical piece designed by artist Jim Shore. Charlie Brown and Snoopy are hoisted high into the air by their friends Peppermint Patty,...
Snoopy Batwing Ears Mini Figurine By Jim Shore 6013039 Jim Shore's unmistakable style evokes a sense of nostalgia with traditional themes, quilt patterns and design motifs. Beautifully hand-painted...
Snoopy Cowboy Mini Figurine By Jim Shore 6013038 Jim Shore's unmistakable style evokes a sense of nostalgia with traditional themes, quilt patterns and design motifs. Beautifully hand-painted and...
Peanuts Gang Halloween Figurine By Jim Shore 6013037 Charlie Brown, Lucy, and Snoopy gather around their light up pumpkins to celebrate Halloween together. This figurine is made from cast stone and...
"A Playful Parade" Forming an ensemble of cartoon chorus, Charlie Brown, Sally, Snoopy and Woodstocks form a marching band of music and merriment. Charlie plays the sax while the Snoopy and...
"A Grand Celebration" The Peanuts gang is all together in this whimsical piece designed by artist Jim Shore. Charlie Brown and Snoopy are hoisted high into the air by their friends Peppermint Patty,...
Snoopy Batwing Ears Mini Figurine By Jim Shore 6013039 Jim Shore's unmistakable style evokes a sense of nostalgia with traditional themes, quilt patterns and design motifs. Beautifully hand-painted...
Snoopy Cowboy Mini Figurine By Jim Shore 6013038 Jim Shore's unmistakable style evokes a sense of nostalgia with traditional themes, quilt patterns and design motifs. Beautifully hand-painted and...